New Look and New Friends

Okay.  Don’t Panic.  I’ve refreshed the look and feel of my blog to more closely resemble the cover of my book.  Yay!  I’m really excited about it and think that it conveys C.J.’s light and sparkly spirit.  C.J. likes the pink glitter in particular.  He’s a sucker for glitter, but you already knew that.

Change is difficult, or at least it is for me.  I hate it when a website changes on me.  Never fear, the functionality of the blog is largely the same and I’m still working to make some updates.   I admit, I’m no web designer or coder, so please bear with me.

I’ve also freshened up my Facebook and Twitter pages.  I hope you like it all.  My book’s September 3 release date is getting closer and this is all part of the preparation process.

* * *

This week, instead of reading a post written by me, you have to read a post written by one of my best friends.  I met her through my blog and she has an amazing gender creative son of her own.  After years of near-constant emails and texts, we met.  And, so did her son Twirl and C.J.  It was one of the best weekend’s that we’ve had in a long, long time.  Read what happened here.


So if you follow along with Lori’s blog Raising my Rainbow you know exactly who C.J. is. If you don’t, go there and follow. About 2 years ago a group of moms on the internet (think SuperFriends) all started writing to each other with a common bond: advocacy for our children. These women have become my best friends. Lori’s son C.J. and my son Twirl lead very similar lives. As Cory and I would talk to Twirl about other boys like him I started showing him pics of C.J. Lori had sent me, as well as the ones on her blog. He instantly wanted to play with him. I had to explain how it wasn’t possible at the moment because they actually live across the country. But, I said, you could send him an email and say hi, so that’s just how the friendship started. C.J. and Twirl would send each other emails through our accounts with the cutest 3 sentence emails you have ever read. They talked about the things they loved to do, dressing up, fashion shows, favorite characters. They invited each other to do things like birthday parties but always ending with, ” but I know you can’t since you don’ t live here”. One day Cory and I were talking about how some day we just had to get them together. And then one day I just texted Lori and said we are doing it, when can we come visit…

* * *

I have been nominated as one of Southern California’s Top 25 Bloggers by Circle of Moms. Will you please vote for me?  No sign up needed.  Just click here, find my blog and click on the heart/vote button. You can vote every 24 hours until July 30.

About raisingmyrainbow is a blog about the adventures in raising a fabulous, gender creative son.
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19 Responses to New Look and New Friends

  1. Oh goodness. This leaves me in tears. I also have a 6 year old gender creative son (I call my kids “gender fun!”) and I know he wants to meet other boys who wear dresses. I feel a little bit closer to that being a reality today.

  2. Pingback: Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son by Lori Duron | Fantastic Books

  3. hollybernabe says:

    I like the new look!

  4. Zara says:

    Just voted! 🙂 I hope you win.

  5. MM says:

    Okay, well I’m sorry to be less enthusiastic than other commenters. I think the new look is cute BUT I miss the cartoon boy with his boa and his doll. I was kinda grumpy about it, but working to notice what is good in ge change. Since I like the new look, it really all boils down to that I also really liked the cartoon. So I hope that you find another way to use that cartoon!

  6. Giselle says:

    The new look is good (love that it’s also your Twitter pic! It is so nice and clean and fresh), but it makes me think that I landed on the wrong page. I am wondering if you might like to have the boy figure somewhere (I mean the graphic from before the change), it wouldn’t need to be big, just in a small size? It could be as small as a quarter the size of the trainers – it would mean that we know it’s still the same blog?
    There’s a bit of white space above the word ‘creative’ in your blog’s subheader where it would fit nicely. Just a really small little graphic? (Keep everything else as is. I like it, I just don’t recognise it)

  7. Beth @plasticrosaries says:

    Just found your blog – looking forward to reading your story throughout old posts 🙂

  8. Lance says:

    The site looks wonderful! Can’t wait to read your book!

  9. Arwen says:

    I’m a VINE reviewer and got your book. It came yesterday. I’ve already finished it. Got laughed at by co-workers for doing my daily walking laps with my nose in a book. Lori, it was amazing. Just amazing. I love gender-creative adults (many of them) so I requested this book. Thank you for the honest and funny look into your process. I can’t wait to write the glowing review!

  10. Aleksandra says:

    Lori, are there any plans to translate your book into other languages? Because I would love to do it. I come from Serbia and Russia – both terribly homophobic countries at large and people there need both support and education on this topic. I can’t imagine a better way for that than through your loving mother/son relationship. Let me know if there are any plans for this, I would love to get involved.

  11. Always happy to support you, will vote! I love your blog and the message of optimism and tolerance you put out there.

    All the very, very best.


  12. CW says:

    LOVE the new look!

  13. jeddacp says:

    I love the new look. Looking forward to the book!

  14. mhasegawa says:

    Your book is being offered to LibraryThing early readers of which I am one, but if I’m not picked to get a copy, you can be sure that I will be buying one.

  15. craftymadre says:

    Congrats on the nomination. I just voted.

  16. Jeff H. says:

    Looks good to me, I can’t wait for your book, I will buy it as soon as it comes out!

  17. Gorgeous and amazing, like you.

  18. Raven says:

    I hate change too, but it looks good! Very clean and professional.

  19. Harriet says:

    Love, Love the new look.

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